Theresa Rogers
Dr. Theresa Rogers is known for her work in the areas of adolescent/youth literacies and critical perspectives on literature teaching. Her recent articles and the book, Youth, Critical Literacies and Civic Engagement: Arts, Media and Literacy in the Lives of Adolescents, focus on the critical and creative work of youth across communities and schools through a multi-year study located in Vancouver, Canada. That project ranged from working with youth experiencing homelessness in the city, to an after-school community program where students created videos against violence, to a devised theatre production in a secondary school. In all cases, the young people in the project engaged in arts, media and various literacies to engage with the public in their communities – engagements that she argues are central to the role of education in democratic societies. Theresa also co-authored or co-edited now classic books on literature teaching, including How Porcupines Make Love III: Reader, Texts, Cultures in the Literature Classroom and Reading Across Cultures, and several recent articles on a spatialized perspective on analyzing and teaching young adult literature. She is author of numerous articles that have appeared in venues such as Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Literacy Research, Children’s Literature in Education, Pedagogies, Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacies, Language Arts, English Teaching: Practice and Critique and the Oxford Research Encyclopedia. Dr. Rogers is currently Professor of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia.
To connect with Theresa online, visit
To Cite this Episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2023, Jan. 3). A conversation with Theresa Rogers. (Season 3, No. 15) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series.