Cynthia Brock
Dr. Cynthia Brock is known for her work in the study of opportunities-for-learning literacy. Her various studies have explored children’s learning, pre- and in-service teachers’ learning in university classrooms as well as professional development contexts, and her and her colleagues’ learning. She explores the literacy learning opportunities of elementary children from diverse cultural, linguistic and economic backgrounds, and she studies ways to work with pre- and in-service teachers to foster the literacy learning opportunities of children from non-dominant backgrounds. She has conducted qualitative research in cross-cultural contexts including the United States, Australia, England, Fiji, Thailand, Laos, Spain, Chile and Costa Rica. Her work has been published in journals such as Reading Research Quarterly, Teaching and Teacher Education, The International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, Curriculum Inquiry, Urban Education, The Elementary School Journal, and Pedagogies: An International Journal. She has also published her work in numerous books and handbooks. Dr. Brock has provided service at the local, state, national and international levels as a Board member for the Literacy Research Association, Area Chair for LRA, and member of LRA’s Early Career Award Committee. She is also a member of International Literacy Association’s (ILA) Nominating Committee and ILA’s Research Grants Program, as well as a member of the National Council of Teachers of English’s Standing Committee on Research and member of NCTE’s Promising Researcher Award Committee. Dr. Cynthia Brock is a professor at the University of Wyoming where she holds the Wyoming Excellence in Higher Education Endowed Chair in Elementary Literacy Education.
Articles mentioned in episode:
Serving English Language Learners: Placing Learners Learning on Center Stage
This book cover contains the image of Literacy learning Cindy refers to in her episode.
Dr. Brock mentions her new edited book in her episode. Co-editor Leigh Hall is also a former Classroom Caffeine guest.
To Cite this Episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2023, Jan. 20). A conversation with Cynthia Brock. (Season 3, No. 16) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series.