Sharon Vaughn

Transcript available

Sharon Vaughn is known for her work in the areas of effective interventions for a diverse group of students with reading difficulties and for students who are English language learners. She is the author of more than 40 books and 350 research articles, six of which have met the What Works Clearing House Criteria for their intervention reports. Dr. Vaughn’s work has been funded by the Institute for Education Sciences and National Institutes of Health and has been published in journals such as Exceptional Children, Journal of Educational Psychology, Journal of Educational Effectiveness, Journal of Learning Disabilities, Education Psychology Review, and Reading Research Quarterly. She is the recipient of numerous awards including the first woman in the history of The University of Texas to receive the Distinguished Faculty and Research Award, the CEC research award, the AERA SIG distinguished researcher award, and the Jeannette E. Fleischner Award for Outstanding Contributions in the Field of Learning Disabilities from Council for Exceptional Children. She has provided technical assistance in literacy to more than 10 countries and 30 State Departments of Education and has worked as a literacy consultant to more than 50 technical assistance projects. Dr. Vaughn is the Executive Director of The Meadows Center for Preventing Educational Risk, an organized research unit that she founded with a “make a wish” gift from the Meadows Foundation family. Dr. Vaughn is also the Manuel J. Justiz Endowed Chair in Education and a Professor in the Department of Special Education at The University of Texas, Austin.

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To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2021, Dec 7). A conversation with Sharon Vaughn. (Season 2, No. 15) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/EC29-BA7A-769E-6B99-282E-U


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