Sarah McCarthey
Dr. Sarah J. McCarthey is known for her work in the areas of writing and writing instruction within the context of education policy and global education. Sarah’s work has been funded by the National Writing Project, the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences, the National Academy of Education and Spencer Foundation, and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Her work has appeared in Literacy, Written Communication, Journal of Writing Research, Computers and Composition, Middle Grades Review, Literacy Teaching and Learning, Research in the Teaching of English, Reading Research Quarterly, Journal of Literacy Research, Pedagogies: An International Journal, Journal of Literacy and Technology: An International Online Academic Journal, Early Childhood Development and Care, International Advances in Writing Research: Cultures, Places, Measures, and Journal of Second Language Writing. She has won multiple awards for her teaching and research throughout her career, including the Career Teaching Award, Distinguished Senior Scholar, and the Graduate Teaching and Mentoring Award from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Sarah has served as co-editor of Research in the Teaching of English alongside former Classroom Caffeine guest Mark Dressman. Dr. McCarthey is currently the Sheila M. Miller Professor and Department Head of Curriculum and Instruction at University of Illinois at Champaign Urbana.
To Cite this Episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2022, Dec. 6). A conversation with Sarah McCarthey. (Season 3, No. 13) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/7DA4-4529-AB30-2445-16A5-6