Sandra Faulkner

Dr. Sandra L. Faulkner is known for her work in qualitative methodology, poetic inquiry, and the relationships among culture, identities, and sexualities. Her research focuses on how individuals navigate gender and sexuality through interpersonal communication and personal narrative. She often uses poetry, creative nonfiction, and autoethnography to explore her own negotiation of identity as a parent, partner, and professor. She believes in the power of poetry to bear witness, provoke, and affect change. Her academic work appears in Qualitative Inquiry, Humanities, International Review of Qualitative Research, LEARNing Landscapes, Cultural Studies ⇔ Critical Methodologies, and Qualitative Research in Education. Her poetry and images have appeared in Literary Mama, Ithaca Lit, Gulf Stream, Slippery Elm, Writer’s Resist, Rise Up Review!, S/tick and elsewhere. Her latest books are Poetic Inquiry: Craft, Method, & Practice, Poetic Inquiry as Social Justice and Political Response, and Scientists and Poets #Resist. She was the recipient of the 2013 Knower Outstanding Article Award from the National Communication Association, the 2016 Norman K. Denzin Qualitative Research Award, and the 2020 Trujillo and Goodall “It’s a Way of Life Award” in narrative ethnography. Sandra is a Professor of Communication at Bowling Green State University.

You can find Dr. Faulkner online at and

To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2021, May 25). A conversation with Sandra Faulkner. (Season 2, No. 1) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/D656-FF17-6D1C-A7FF-5815-K


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