MaryEllen Vogt
Dr. MaryEllen Vogt is known for her work in the areas of teacher professional learning, reading intervention, disciplinary literacy, and effective instruction for multilingual learners.. She is the author or co-author of over 70 articles and chapters, and 17 books about literacy instruction, and is co-developer and co-author of the book series on the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol or SIOP Model, an empirically validated, instructional framework for teaching multilingual learners. In addition to her books, her work can be found in venues like The Reading Teacher and Reading Today, as well as free public sites like Dr. Vogt is Director and lead reading specialist for the not-for-profit Literacy Intervention & Enrichment program, targeting children and teens who are experiencing reading, writing, and spelling difficulties. Dr. Vogt has provided professional development throughout the U. S. and in several countries, and she served as a Visiting Scholar at the University of Cologne, Germany. She is a member of California’s Reading Hall of Fame, is a recipient of CSULB’s Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award, and was President of the California Reading Association and the International Literacy Association. In 2017, Dr. Vogt was inducted into the Reading Hall of Fame, an international organization of literacy researchers and scholars. She is also performs with The Pops Chorale & Orchestra, as well as her local community theater. Dr. Vogt holds a doctorate in Language and Literacy from the University of California, Berkeley and is Professor Emeritus, California State University, Long Beach.
Links:; RRQ articles - Ehri 2020, Scanlon, 2020;
To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2024, Sept 10). A conversation with MaryEllen Vogt (Season 5, No. 2) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/311F-10C5-A88E-095A-2337-M