Erin Mahon & Judy-Ann Auld

Transcript available

Dr Erin Mahon is known for her work investigating special education and inclusive practices in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. Erin has worked for over a decade as an educator, and served as Head of both the English and Remedial Departments in a small school for students with special educational needs before joining the team at the Caribbean Educational Research Centre. She has lectured in both Inclusive Education and Psychology at the University of the West Indies and is currently investigating special education and inclusive practices in Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean. She holds an Honours BA in Psychology from Trent University, Ontario and graduated with distinction with a Masters of Science in Counselling Psychology from the University of the West Indies. Erin’s PhD is in Education and her doctoral thesis investigated Parental Involvement in Special Education in Barbados. Dr. Mahon is a Research Fellow in the Caribbean Educational Research Centre at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill.

Judy-Ann Allison Auld is an advocate for students identified with special educational needs hence her research focuses on inclusive education. She has experience as a primary school teacher, principal of a special education institution and part—time lecturer at the Teacher Education Department of the T.A Marryshow Community College and the St. Georges University’s School of Arts and Science, in the Caribbean country of Grenada. She completed a master’s degree in Inclusive Education at the University of Roehampton, London, England and a bachelor’s degree in Educational Leadership and Management at the University of the West Indies. Prior to that she received a Certificate in Inclusive Education from the University of Roehampton, London, and a Teachers’ Certificate in Elementary Education with honors from the T.A. Marryshow Community College at the University of the West Indies. Judy-Ann is a final year PhD student at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus, in the Faculty of Humanities and Education.

Erin can be contacted at and Judy-Ann can be contacted at

To cite this episode: Persohn, L. (Host). (2023, May. 23). A conversation with Erin Mahon and Judy-Ann Allison Auld: RISE Caribbean Special Series (Season 3, No. 26) [Audio podcast episode]. In Classroom Caffeine Podcast series. DOI: 10.5240/7601-725C-B2EA-8348-68E4-9


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